Saturday, September 12, 2009


it's all about tradesies... just ask Brendan about the Gardin. yesterday I was lucky enough to swap my Bianchi for this banging 1970's lugged Gitane, straight from France (you can learn more here). one owner, never been ridden off the velodrome, original decals and everything. needs a bit of work (new wheelset) but when it's done OH GAWD streets will be slayed. thanks to Sylvester at Brakeless for facilitating this trade, you just made my month buddy. 

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Impossible Hour

That is how you ride a bike...

Sunday, September 6, 2009


from what I understand it was a GOC west coast reunion at the Warriors race yesterday... the Vic and Van contingents bonding to become one, with team Duncan winning the whole damn thang. I'm stoked to come home and make the GOC a west-only crew within the month.. good on ya boys, see ya soon.  

Thursday, September 3, 2009


BOIKZMOIND Trailer from Xynthetic on Vimeo.

I really appreciate when people actually put thought and effort into FILMING the edit, as opposed to just how many Keos/barspinz/wheelies they can pack into 3 minutes.